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Old 03-04-2010, 09:16 PM
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Exclamation help?

Originally Posted by Paul Warburton View Post
That's the good news?
Please, don't tell us about the bad.

EDIT: Kenny, I need some help in here.
Paul, read Richard's 'Down Here' thread in the Bull Pit. All of it! Then ask me again..

I just don't know where some people find the time and still go out and make a living!

For jazz and musicians, the less said, the better. Do your talking thur your Axe, period. Then, speak when spoken to. Things will go a lot smoother. If you don't like the Gig and don't have to suffer thru it for the money, then Quit! Who's holding a gun to your head?
Old 03-05-2010, 08:37 AM
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Question Weirdness on the horizon.....

Originally Posted by Richard Prowse View Post
Actually life's looking up and the hands feel a little better today.
My mother, and her sister, both suffered from arthritis so it's actually a bit of a scary point with me at the moment but, hey, life's too short...
But back to jazz...
I watched a short video of Carol Kaye. She implied that she didn't like scale players and that the real jazz players picked their notes from the upper partials of the chords. I hope I haven't misquoted her. How do you make note choices when you are soloing?
Richard, I took Kenny's advice and read through that thread. To be truthful and you know it as well as anybody here, it reads like something outta "One Flew Over......"
I won't be involved in something like that.
I will answer your question to the best of my ability.
I don't make note choices per se when I'm soloing. I try to play melodies that sound good to me that fit with the chord changes within the structure of the tune. I don't think much about it....if it sounds good to my ears I play it....if it doesn't I don't.
IMO, IME, YMMV and WRGAF. (four things I've learned to include in my posts when I sense weirdness on the horizon).
Old 03-05-2010, 09:37 AM
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Cool "One Flew Over......".. lol

Originally Posted by Paul Warburton View Post
Richard, I took Kenny's advice and read through that thread. To be truthful and you know it as well as anybody here, it reads like something outta "One Flew Over......"
I won't be involved in something like that.
I will answer your question to the best of my ability.
I don't make note choices per se when I'm soloing. I try to play melodies that sound good to me that fit with the chord changes within the structure of the tune. I don't think much about it....if it sounds good to my ears I play it....if it doesn't I don't.
IMO, IME, YMMV and WRGAF. (four things I've learned to include in my posts when I sense weirdness on the horizon).
Yes Paul, "One Flew Over......".. and landed in NZ.

Thanks, I thought it was just me!

Hey, imagine someone here going over to TB and posting/copying that 'Down Here' Thread post by post as Richards is almost the only one talking. I wonder how long it takes before a Mod does or says something.. lol

For Solo's I try as well working either around the Melody, making one of my own in the same changes (not so easy on the fly) or just making something up while blending the chords like little patterns around the various connected changes. Not the most melodic way but gets you from A to B when your turn is up.
Old 03-05-2010, 10:12 AM
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Thumbs up Melodies.

Jazz bassists are changing their tunes. Many jazz bassists, myownself included (big time), are even changing the way they construct their lines in the rhythm section. With the advent of the interplay between Bill Evans and Scott LaFaro, we are more free in the notes we can play. We can keep the groove in terms of quarter notes but we no longer have to play the root note on the bottom as much as we used to.
Scott Colley and Drew Gress are just two examples of bassists you can listen to to hear this.
I hear the notes in my bass lines more like "counter-melodies" any more.
The first time I heard my mentor, Red Mitchell, play those beautiful lines behind Hampton Hawes in about, those strong lines were not only strong, they were beautiful little melodies that sounded better than most bass player's solos.
Old 03-05-2010, 11:35 PM
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Originally Posted by Ken Smith View Post
Hey, imagine someone here going over to TB and posting/copying that 'Down Here' Thread post by post as Richards is almost the only one talking. I wonder how long it takes before a Mod does or says something.. lol
Well, Kenny Boy, it won't be you because you're banned - forever, I believe. Hey, I'm curious why you keep bringing up TalkBass. Which worries you most, TalkBass or the Down here (NZ) thread?

Good thoughts on soloing chaps. What you both (Ken and Paul) said is the basically the way I approach a solo too.
Old 03-06-2010, 12:08 AM
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Originally Posted by Paul Warburton View Post
Richard, I took Kenny's advice and read through that thread. To be truthful and you know it as well as anybody here, it reads like something outta "One Flew Over......"
I won't be involved in something like that.
Paul, I take it that you're not paying me a compliment - though I don't remember asking for your involvement (on that thread).
I don't get many compliments from Kenny Boy either. Sometimes he's not very welcoming; perhaps that's just his way.
Some people seem to like the Down here (NZ) thread but, anyway, this thread is supposed to be about jazz playing.
Old 03-06-2010, 06:07 AM
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Thumbs up Weirdness on the horizon lands.

Oh, goody, smack talk.
Look Bucko, I don't need your ****.
"Kenny Boy" is a Nnick name I pinned on Ken about seven years ago. I did that because friends do that as a kind of term of endearment, and that's why I did that. I have about eight different Nnick names in real life and on talk sites. I take those names as compliments. I feel that when you use the name Kenny boy, you are using it in a sarcastic "smack talk" kinda way. I may be wrong, but isn't he your host here? Would you walk into somebodies home and start taking shots at your host? Prolly.
I don't need to have you "ask" me to be involved in any thread here, including that POS, self-centered, study in neurosis NZ crapola thread of yours.
Jerks like you come a dime a dozen on talk sites and in real choose something to talk about to get some attention, then it soon becomes obvious what you really want........more attention.
I did my best to answer your question, but I wouldnt try to answer another one for you because I know that you would be doing that just to try to keep your BS alive.
Nothing personal, IMO, IMHO, IME, YMMV and that old stand-by, WRGAF.

EDIT: There's a jive mother over on that other site who pulls this ****. I have to admit he needs therapy worse than you do, because he comes in, stirs the pot, gets everybody all crazy then goes back and edits or deletes the posts that started the mess. Do you ever do that? We'll see. (or not).
Old 03-06-2010, 02:26 PM
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Old 03-06-2010, 02:35 PM
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Lets remember that there are some here(ie/ Paul), and on that "other" site that have more experience, and have worked with more great players than most of us can dream of. I don't take that lightly.

As for "the right notes". Seriously, that comes from years of practice, listening to music, and lifting. I don't think you can really learn what you are asking without just spending time with the music. Find the players that speak to you the most and transcribe their lines. Really get deep into the music. Thats how you do it.
Old 03-06-2010, 05:13 PM
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i once had a gig with placido domingo, but i don´t call you a jerk
Old 03-06-2010, 11:43 PM
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Originally Posted by Anselm Hauke View Post
i once had a gig with placido domingo, but i don´t call you a jerk
Thanks Anselm, my friend. Your support is really appreciated.

Personally I don't care if this guy's played with God, I think I've been insulted by nicer people in my time.
Old 03-07-2010, 09:46 AM
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Richard, why would you address me as "this guy" when you know I'm right here reading your post? Take that one into a real life conversation in a group of people.....that would sound and look a bit odd, no?

Anselm, the fact that I've played with some people has absolutely no bearing on this.....uh, what ever you call this thing.
You seem to have a problem addressing me personally as well as your friend, Richard.
This crap is also well known on Internet Talk's called the "Buddy System".
Richard, bring in some more of your "support" Buds. Just keep talking back and forth between each other like I wasn't here..........
How many PM's you got out to rally the "Troup"?

EDIT: Sorry, Richard....I just really took a look at your last sentence there....... You think that you've been insulted by nicer people than me. Yep, that is pretty strange. Whew.

Last edited by Paul Warburton; 03-07-2010 at 09:59 AM.
Old 03-07-2010, 11:20 AM
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Lightbulb humm..

ok.. is everyone feeling better now and ready to talk Jazz again on this Thread. Gee, I hate being the one that has to keep order but Paul is right here. Sarcastic 'sniper'-like remarks do not go unnoticed in print by the average reader.

Richard, Paul had asked me about you as your replies seems a little strange so, I told him to read your 'Down Here' postings to get a better picture of what to expect. Now that Paul has a better picture of who or what he's dealing with there might be less surprises.

About Jazz, it's almost like an expensive restaurant. If you have to ask the price, you can't afford it. If you have to ask how, perhaps you can't do it.

Look back a jazz players for a moment and look actually at their lives, not their notes. When I was young and starting out I was standing outside a rehearsal studio and waiting for the door to open as it was still locked. There was an old bass player standing outside and in talking I mentioned I wanted to play jazz. He replied, "if you wanna play jazz, you have to pay dues". I looked up and smiled and said, "I pay dues. I've been in the Union for over a year". Well, that wasn't the kind of dues he was referring to.

Richard, a school teacher from NZ will not feel the 'life pain' it takes to pull the notes out from your gut to play jazz. The notes come from your gut and THEN thru your fingers. To me, it seems that your mind is more of the organizer than the creator in this sense.

Just playing a lot of cool sounding jazz-like riffs does not mean you are playing jazz.

Paul and I share something very special. We both got to play with the great Bill Evans Trio. For me it was only sitting in at the Blue Note in NYC for one song. For Paul, it was his gig for awhile and was not the only gig he had with such notables. I too played with a few others and many famous singers as well. The great Yusef Lateef was the Tenor soloist with Johnny Mathis when I was on that gig playing Bass. The gig was about a month long in NY including a big concert at MSG. Just a couple years earlier while still in School (High School of Music & Art), Yusef came in as a student teacher while getting his degree. It was such a pleasure to actually work with him on stage. Sitting in the Pit with Al McKibbon was another great week. I have 20 years under my belt playing in the big Apple and it was not easy.

When you ask people with real professional experience like I just mentioned and get an answer, please don't take it light or challenge that persons 'life-experiences'. It comes off as a total disrespectful insult.

Experience does not come cheap Richard so please don't take for granted those that take the time to share or explain things from their heart.
Old 03-07-2010, 12:35 PM
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+1 One of your finer posts, Ken. Well said.
Eric Hochberg
Old 03-07-2010, 01:23 PM
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Yes, a big +1: Paul, Ken, and Eric.
Tim Bishop

Old 03-07-2010, 02:52 PM
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dear paul, this (=discussion about communication) is not easy for me, because english is not my main language, but i want to try to clarify some things:

Originally Posted by Paul Warburton View Post
Anselm, the fact that I've played with some people has absolutely no bearing on this.....uh, what ever you call this thing.
You seem to have a problem addressing me personally as well as your friend, Richard.
in post 50 i was answering adrian, so i wrote: "adrian, ..."
i have no problem to talk with you, my reaction to you in post 48 was this:" ", because your post #47 confused me a little bit. i admit, that was a very short answer.
Originally Posted by Paul Warburton View Post

This crap is also well known on Internet Talk's called the "Buddy System".
Richard, bring in some more of your "support" Buds. Just keep talking back and forth between each other like I wasn't here..........
How many PM's you got out to rally the "Troup"?
richard is my friend (but i am not his "support buddy"), ken is your friend, thats ok for me.
richard did not pm me to post here.
i am nobodys "troup"
i posted this: , because i was confused because it seemed to me that you insulted richard because you did not like the "down here" thread.

Last edited by Anselm Hauke; 03-07-2010 at 03:50 PM. Reason: trying to achieve more clarity
Old 03-08-2010, 04:08 AM
Richard Prowse Richard Prowse is offline
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Originally Posted by Anselm Hauke View Post
dear paul, this (=discussion about communication) is not easy for me, because english is not my main language, but i want to try to clarify some things:

in post 50 i was answering adrian, so i wrote: "adrian, ..."
i have no problem to talk with you, my reaction to you in post 48 was this:" ", because your post #47 confused me a little bit. i admit, that was a very short answer.

richard is my friend (but i am not his "support buddy"), ken is your friend, thats ok for me.
richard did not pm me to post here.
i am nobodys "troup"
i posted this: , because i was confused because it seemed to me that you insulted richard because you did not like the "down here" thread.
you are a wonderful friend and I really treasure your friendship - as you know.
I just wrote a long reply to Kenny Boy, Paul and Tim but deleted it by mistake, which was probably a good thing. The Down here (NZ) thread was pretty harmless really.
Hey, you know where to contact me. Keep your ears stiff, my friend and let this thing go now. I won't be back on this site.

Oh, and the '+1' thing is so last year boys.
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